The "Archive" section of our project will be a collage of our works and your submissions. So this part of the site will be always under construction.

I have a lemon on my face

I am very sleepy

I don’t think I make sense

I dance and cook and sing in my underwear.

my mom is there

I am feeling sexy

and I am playing video games

I am feeling sooooo sexy

I am sending you love poems in japanese

and I love you all

I am at the hospital and I am playing with your face, your hair. I want to dance and walk and pee and cuddle. I jump and I fall and I jump again. I walk a bit more and I am in love with your belly, your face, your (my?) hand, your t-shirt. My friend is gorgeous. I always snack before I go to bed. I am very concerned about my future, and really not in the mood to move right now. I am with my friends and we are coming to meet you. I am watching you sleep and I am fascinated by my shadow. I am having a proper new year’s eve. By the sea. With fireworks and everything.